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Wednesday, March 21, 2018


List of Nigeria Bank Ussd Code to transfer and How to set it up

Today, to transfer money with your phone is noweasy, with you Banks USSD code you can perform this simple task in a more convenient, secure way without paying a visit to your bank orspending long hours queuing on ATM.
With your Banks USSD codes, you can perform task such as money transfer,Pay bills, Recharge card, Change your card pin, Read mini-statements, withdraw money or make purchases among several others.
How to Transfer Money USSD Codes For you to perform this transfer, this need to be done on your mobile line, which is linked with your account, your NUBAN "10 digit receivers account number of the bank", the beneficiary bank Name.
which include
*.Zenith Bank
*.First Bank
*.Access Bank
*.Diamond bank
*.Union Bank
etc….next is to input transfer PIN, or Last 4 digit of your ATM Card depending on your bank to confirm transfer.
The recipient account number will be shown to you before you enter the your PIN. This is done in order to confirm the account you are about to send money to.


Nigerian Banks USSD Codes for Money Transfers Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) USSD Money Transfer Code To transfer money to any GTBank account, simply dial*737*1*Amount*NUBAN Account No# e.g.*737*1*1000*1234567890# from the mobile number registered with the Bank.

Now if you intend to send money to your friend or anyone using a non GTB Acct ( other Bank : such as First, Diamond etc) dial*737*2*Amount*NUBAN Account No#e.g.*737*2*1000* will then be required to enter
four digits pin you create for transfer is different from ATM pin in orderto authenticate the transfer. This How generate mobile on gtb used transfer simply dial *737*5# it will bring to option
1. Activate with debit card
2.Activate with no debit card
You will select the one which Comfortable you either you ATM or not if you have ATM select option 1 if you don't have ATM select 2.


for option 1 it will ask you to enter last 6 digit of your debit Card to go further generate The pin.
For option 2 it will ask you some security question 1 to enter full 10 digit of your account and 2 date birth you input when you are registering that account to verify you are the owner of account you want setup transfer pin for security purpose.

First Bank

USSD Money Transfer Code To transfermoney using First bank USSD code, simply dial*894*Amount*account number# but if you are dial this Code for the first it will ask you enter ATM card pin to setup your 5digit pin for transfer
But if you forgot you pin used *894*00# to reset you pin and follow the prompt for more service like pay bills, purchase airtime simply dial *894# select quick banking and follow the prompts.

Diamond Bank

USSD Money Transfer Code  simply Dial *426*AMOUNT*ACCOUNT NUMBER# but if you dial this code for the first time on your phone You need activate it first before you can make transfer it will ask you some security about your account when you dial it will request for your account number and last six digit of your debit card or you date of birth you fill when registering that account.

Fidelity Bank

USSD Money Transfer CodeTo transfer money to any Fidelity bank account dial this *770*NUBAN Account no*Amount#; let’s take for instance you want to send N1000 to your friends Fidelity bank account, dial*770*1234567890*1000# then enter your 4 digit pin However if this is your first time of using the service, and you do not have any Registered PIN before, then you will need to create one by dialing *770#, Enter your NUBAN Account number (Fidelity bank account number), Select a 4-digit PIN for your account. Now you can proceed to make your transfer.

Wema Bank

USSD Money Transfer Code
For Wema Bank USSD transfer code dial*945*NUBAN*AMOUNT#. As stated above this most be initsiatd on the same Phone number your registered with your account.


 USSD Money Transfer Code
Ecobank Mobile Banking USSD transfer code Dial*326# and follow the on screen prompt.

Skye Bank

USSD Money Transfer Code
Skye Bank USSD mobile banking code Simply dial*833# to get started and follow the prompts strictlySterling Bank USSD Money Transfer Code

Sterling Bank

 USSD code
dial *822# To get started and follow the prompts accordingly.Note : an access fee of N5 will be deducted from your airtime each time you dial the sterling bank ussd code on your phone. A PIN will also be required to complete transactions via the ussd code.
You will get the pin when you register for the Sterling bank*822# service

United Bank for Africa (UBA)

USSD Money Transfer CodeUnited Bank for Africa ( UBA ) USSD mobile banking code Simply dial *919# from your registered phone number to kick start and follow the prompt.

Unity Bank

USSD Money Transfer CodeFor Unity
Bank USSD mobile banking code dial*389*215#
and follow the screen prompts.

Zenith Bank

USSD Money Transfer Code For Zenith Bank USSD code use as follows:
*.To create a bank account simply dial *966*0# and follow the onscreen prompts.

*.To check for balances on any of your accounts, all you need to do is simply dial;
 *966*00#*.To load airtime simply dial *966*Amount*Mobile Number# on your phone*.To transfer money to another account Dial*966*Amount*Account Number# (e.g.*966*1000*1234567890#)

First City Monument Bank

(FCMB) USSD Money Transfer CodeTo use FCMB USSD mobile banking code Dial*329*AMOUNT*ACCOUNT NUMBER# if you are using this code for the first time you will need to activate it will ask you to your account number and 4digt pin you want to have for transfer.

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