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Saturday, September 22, 2018


How To Easily Identify A Fake Memory Card Before Buying

Most in some part of Africas where it's difficult to identify fake memory cards (SD Card) cause
they are the one most gadgets sellers would prescribed for you with sugarcoated mouths.
It's hilarious when you purchased a memory card of 32gigs and you eventually found just 500mb space after consuming the remaining space on the SD card.

Having a significant number of telephones available with colossal storage space, the need of a memory card might be lessened be that as it may, there is still a considerable measure you can utilize it for. Aside complimenting the space on your telephone, you can in any case utilize it to exchange and store information by embeddings them into card perusers and modems among others.

Taking note of all these, you ought to likewise not overlook that a considerable measure of the applications you have on your telephone gobbles up space consistently so there still comes the need to utilize the SD card sooner or later in time.

Memory cards are an extremely intriguing advancement. The capacity to store extensive files on such a little gadget is something that beats the creative energy.

However, looking at all these benefits, it is important to note that using a fake SD card can be as painful as being in hell fire. Maybe, I’m exaggerating but can you imagine experiencing prolonged transfer of files from your laptop to your memory card (which is in your phone) due to slow write speed? Depending on the size, it may take long hours.

Also, many of today’s counterfeit microSD cards have much less actual storage than advertised.

 For example, a card may have as little as 8GB of actual storage space, but the label on it may read 64GB. The worse part is that your device may also “see” it as a 64GB card – firmware hacks are a common practice and allow this to happen. In fact, your device can and will try to write data to the gigs that don’t exist. This will either overwrite existing data or result in an error. In either case, your data may get corrupted irreversibly.

So you see? It is very important for you to get an original memory card. But how do you identify fake memory card and avoid it? The solution is quite simple. All it requires is an Android phone, a little data to be able to download a 2MB app and the willingness to do it– the solution is called SD insight.

How To Identify Fake Memory Card

The SD Insight app only works for Android version 6.0 and lower, so if you are using android 7.0 or 8.0 then the app will not work for you. However, most android phones are still on the older version and only about 15% of Android users are on 7.0 nougat and 8.0 Oreo.

● Insert the Memory Card into your Android phone.
● Head to the Google Play Store and Search for “SD Insight” and Download the app or you can Download SD Insight For Android By Clicking here


● Launch the app and let it gather details about your memory card.

● After that, the app will display information about your memory card. Information like Manufacturer, Model, Size and Manufactured Date.

● You can also click on the Eye Icon at the top right of the app to see other information about the memory card to know if it fake or original.

Signs of a fake memory card includes name shown by the SD Insight app not corresponding with the name on the app. Storage space shown on the SD Insight doesn’t correspond with the one written on the memory card.

From the information gotten through the SD Insight app, you should be able to determine if your memory card is actually original or if it is fake.

If you would also want to know the write speed of your memory card or if it is either class 4, 6 or 10 then search and Download “A1 SD Bench”.
Ensure that you buy your cards from trusted dealers/shops to enjoy its use.

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