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Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Mothers gunned down in Chicago during a peaceful gun violence protest

Two mothers in Chicago have been killed in a drive-by shooting as they stood on a street corner in an effort to deter gun violence.

Chantell Grant and Andrea Stoudemire were volunteers for Mothers Against Senseless Killings and had been camped out at the corner to prevent conflict.

They were shot on Friday evening by the occupants of a blue SUV. No arrests have yet been made.

Supporters say they are shocked by the killing and will honour their memories.

"It is sacred ground, as far as we're concerned," said Mothers Against Senseless Killings (Mask) member Maria Pike, referring to the South Side Chicago street corner policed by the fallen mums.

"This was a haven that was built by moms," she told ABC 7 in Chicago. "The lack of humanity is shocking," she added.

Grant was a 26-year-old mother of four and Stoudemire was a 35-year-old mother of three.

"It is terrifying. It is heartbreaking. I haven't slept because I am trying to figure out how we can stop this," Tamar Manasseh, founder of Mask, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

"Who's next? I just keep thinking, Who's next?"


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