Joe Biden, 77, admits he needs a Vice President who can 'take over immediately' if he dies in office - Welcome to Sodeeqloaded Welcome to Sodeeqloaded: Joe Biden, 77, admits he needs a Vice President who can 'take over immediately' if he dies in office


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Friday, January 31, 2020


Joe Biden, 77, admits he needs a Vice President who can 'take over immediately' if he dies in office

Joe Biden has said that if he becomes president in this year's election, he would need to appoint a vice president capable of taking over the job at a moment's notice in case he dies while in office.

'I can think of at least eight women, at least four or five people of color, that I think are totally qualified to be vice president of the United States,' the former vice president said during a campaign event in Clinton, Iowa.

'But for me, it has to be demonstrated that whoever I pick is two things: One, is capable of being president because I'm an old guy,' the 77-year-old Biden said.

'No, I'm serious. Look, I thank God I'm in great health. I work out. No, I'm serious. You know, I work out every morning. I'm in good shape — knock on wood, as my mother would say,' Biden said during a question and answer session as reported by the Washington Examiner.

'I released all my medical records,' Biden added. 'But you never know. You never know what's going on. And I'm sure what would happen is I have — some people looking would say, 'Is the person Biden picked capable of, God forbid something happened to Biden, that they would be able to take over immediately?'


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