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Monday, November 30, 2020


Singer Simi celebrates her daughter as she turns 6-month old

Singer Simi's daughter is 6 months old.

To celebrate her joy, Simi took to IG to share a photo of her and wrote;

''My baby. My daughter. The love of my life. This feisty little chocolate princess is 6 months old today. God is so great. You make me giddy Adejare. You changed my life and turned my Spirit inside out. Giving you life (in collaboration with God and your daddy) gave me new life, and is the most spiritual thing I ever did in all my life. You're everything to me.

I've never felt a love so complete and thorough and protective and jealous and unconditional. They tell you you're gonna love your baby so much, but you don't know how much until you love your baby.

I'm emotional because you're growing up too fast and some days I want time to freeze, so I can soak up more of these moments, but I'm also excited for you to grow up so we can have cute, silly conversations. So we can go on mommy/daughter dates. So we can have slumber parties. So you can confide in me. So we can pray together. You're everything I asked for, and then so much more. You complete our little family. Thank you for your gummy smiles and for all the words you think you're saying. I hear you. I love you too much Deja. Happy half birthday 

 - Mommy''


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